How Good is Your Hiring Sales Pitch for Key Talent?

“If your hiring process is deep, methodical and unsentimental, your chances of landing A-Players skyrocket.You know how deeply you know someone after you’ve taken a long trip together? Yeah, that’s how well you should know your candidates.” – Chapter 10, Your Oxygen Mask First

How compelling is your hiring sales pitch – your offer to attract talented people to join your company? And I’m not talking about the financial side.

A CEO I spoke with recently, told me about an amazing VP he wanted to bring into his company. He wasn’t fully convinced this person was going to join the team, even though the candidate had gone through the formal screening process – but he had a good sense. As a result, he invited him out to his ranch for dinner and to meet the family and just had a great time hanging out. He wanted to make a personal connection with this high performer and to get to know the real him – and vice versa.

It’s part of their hiring sales pitch. For key hires, it’s important to take money off the table and make a personal connection,

If your HR team drives the whole process, they’ll do all the necessary screening. But what does this look like when executives are involved? Ideally, you’ll have a step-by-step process that can be consistently operationalized.

For ideas, look at what your salespeople do to land new customers. For example, site or company tours, presentations, specific needs assessments, and a refined sales pitch.

The Challenge

  • Is your sales process for bringing on top talent as strong and well thought-out and well-executed as your sales process for bringing on new customers?
  • What can you do about this?

For more about this and specific things you can do to leverage this process, join us for episode 67 of The Growth Whisperers podcast.

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