Thanks for taking the Your Oxygen Mask First Resilience Self-Assessment

“You need to double your capability every three to five years to deserve the designation of leadership.”
– Kevin Lawrence

Now that you’ve identified the areas of improvement you feel will give you the biggest impact, check out each respective video for more tips related to each habit.

Thanks for taking the Your Oxygen Mask First Resilience Self-Assessment.

Now that you’ve identified the areas of improvement you feel will give you the biggest impact, check out each respective video for more tips related to each habit.

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1. Live an Amazing Life

How good are you at enjoying life in tandem with your achievements in business?

You need to work on this if:

  • You rate your current enjoyment of life less than nine out of 10
  • You would feel you had used your life well, if it ended today
  • You tend to use up your passion for work, and have little left for the rest of your life
  • It’s not normal for you to look forward to things in your life
  • You often find yourself thinking or saying “woulda, coulda, shoulda”.

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2. Forget Work-Life Balance

Do you dedicate enough time & energy for everything that matters: your work, self & life?

You need to work on this if:

  • Your life feels out of control, or you feel guilty about not having ‘work-life balance’
  • Life doesn’t feel like you thought it would at your level of success
  • You don’t enjoy life outside of work as much as you’d like
  • You rarely or never take time just for yourself. Or if you do, you feel guilty about it
  • You’ve lost touch with people and causes outside of work you care about.

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3. Double Your Resilience

How good are you at making time for things that build & maintain your resilience: Body, Mind & Spirit?

You need to work on this if:

  • You continually run out of energy, feel tired or get sick
  • You are not enjoying the challenges, or the wins, at work or in life
  • You regularly allow other people’s priorities to bump the activities you want to do for your own wellness
  • You’ve stopped doing the activities that bring you a feeling of reward and inspiration Maybe you don’t even know what they are anymore.
  • You feel a need to escape from your work or life.

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4. Invest in Your Sweet Spots

How good are you at spending the vast majority of your time and energy doing things you love, and are good at?

You need to work on this if…

  • Most of your days feel like a struggle because you’re doing a slew of stuff you don’t enjoy
  • You don’t feel inspired to do the work that’s on your to-do list
  • There are important, high-value tasks you intend to do every week that never get done
  • There are aspects of your work that are mediocre, but you don’t have the energy or desire to improve them
  • You generally feel blah, or drained at the end of day.

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5. Lick Your Toads

How do you rate at making sure annoying little things get done before they pile up?

You need to work on this if…

  • Reading this chapter makes you tense
  • It’s not unusual for to-dos to kick around for a month or more
  • Certain lingering to-dos cause you frustration or anxiety
  • People repeatedly ask you to follow through on certain tasks
  • People are noticeably annoyed at your lack of follow through.

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6. Deal with Your Emotional Junk

How good are you at not responding irrationally or emotionally in tense situations?

You need to work on this if…

  • You sometimes back down from decisions you really want to make
  • What others will think of you factors too heavily into your decisions
  • You are sometimes shocked or embarrassed by your own behaviour
  • Your emotional reactions are sometimes disproportionate to the issue at hand.

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7. Manage Your Mental Health

How skilled are you at managing your mental health?

You need to work on this if…

  • Your mind is out of control. It stops you from feeling good or making good decisions
  • Past events stay with you and haunt you over and over again
  • You’re anxious or angry to the point it gets in the way of your life
  • Addictive behaviour is a coping mechanism. The addiction increases over time
  • You’re stressed to the point of hurting your performance.

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8. Learn Like Your Life Depends on It

How do you rate as a life-long learner?

You need to work on this if…

  • The ideas and insights you have are often based on experiences from 10 or more years ago
  • You have no formal learning scheduled in the next 12 months
  • You haven’t read a book since you finished your formal education, unless it was required
  • You haven’t learned about a completely new topic in the last 12 months
  • Learning is a survival tactic
  • You acquire knowledge to handle current situations, not to strategically prepare for the future.

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9. Get Tough Feedback

How do you rate at getting honest opinions about your performance?

You need to work on this if…

  • You wonder how effective you are as a leader
  • You can’t name four people who regularly give you uncomfortable, but valuable, feedback
  • You haven’t sought opinions on your performance through a formal mechanism (like a 360° review) in the past two years
  • You wonder what your board (or the person you report to) really thinks of you
  • You haven’t received uncomfortable feedback from your board (or the person you report to) in the past six months.

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10. Make Yourself Useless

How good are you at building a team so strong there’s not much you need to do?

You need to work on this if…

  • Your team isn’t chock full of A-players
  • You cling to one or more Toxic A’s because you think their results are worth the havoc
  • Anyone on your team is a C-player
  • Your interview process consists of a series of 60- to 90-minute interviews with clever or interesting questions
  • You hire people without test-driving their talents.

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11. Quadruple Your IQ

How effective are you at leveraging opinions from experts, in business and in life?

You need to work on this if…

  • The full weight of every decision rests solely on your shoulders
  • You have doubts about major, upcoming strategic decisions
  • When you review the lists of self, work and life advisors, it’s clear you have important missing links
  • When you get stuck on a decision, you often don’t know whom to call. Or it doesn’t even occur to you to reach out to someone
  • You dislike, don’t trust, or hesitate to call your current advisors.

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12. Stop Being Chief Problem Solver

How skilled are you at helping people become strong, independent leaders?

You need to work on this if…

  • You are bombarded everyday with people asking your opinion
  • People ask you the same types of questions over and over again
  • You’re involved in many small- to medium-sized decisions because your team won’t make a move without you
  • You have a long list of unresolved issues and open debates
  • You regularly get stuck handling other people’s problems 

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13. Teach People to Meet Your Standards

How skilled are you at graciously getting people to meet your high standards?

You need to work on this if…

  • You hesitate to say what you really want because you don’t want to seem demanding
  • You often accept results that are less than you expect
  • You fix things so they meet your standards
  • The same frustrations keep happening with the same people
  • You regularly make do with less-than-ideal situations.

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14. Tackle Tough Conversations

How skilled are you at quickly giving tough feedback?

You need to work on this if…

  • You say nothing when things go sideways
  • You explode when people anger or disappoint you
  • You let little frustrations build up until you reach a breaking point, and rashly fire someone
  • People get defensive or emotional when you give feedback

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15. Love the Lessons

How good are you at seeing the benefit in your biggest challenges, at work and in life?

You need to work on this if…

  • You are generally unaware (or in disbelief) that 99% of your story, about any challenge, is pure fabrication
  • You quite easily get stuck in ‘woe’ thinking about past struggles, even though they probably made you stronger
  • When a new struggle arises, your mind quickly starts to produce thoughts of woe, about how challenging your life is, and how you wish things like this would not happen to you.
  • You don’t get your lessons. You keep facing the same types of struggles, again and again
  • When obstacles arise, you get stuck, and don’t move forward for a long time.

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16. Keep Going For It

How good are you at regularly stretching your personal limits?

You need to work on this if…

  • In the past six months, you haven’t once thought, ‘How the heck am I going to make it out of this alive?!’
  • In the past 12 months, you haven’t tried something new, and been a spectacular failure.
  • If a challenge makes you squeamish, you’re likely to back down
  • You haven’t recently felt like the least competent person in a group
  • There is something you would love to try if only someone could teach you.

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17. Plan, Plan, and Plan Again

How disciplined are you about planning and regularly re-planning for work, self & life?

You need to work on this if…

  • You create elaborate, long-winded plans that you infrequently reference
  • You aren’t consistently achieving the goals you envision
  • You get side-tracked by sudden inspirations and rogue projects that take you away from your true priorities
  • You consistently overachieve in one area of your life (probably work) and feel you are sacrificing too much in other areas.

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