Develop a Market-Dominating Strategy and Align your Team for Growth.
your hours and energy to get the results you actually want.”
– Kevin Lawrence, Your Oxygen Mask First
Easy To Say, Hard To Do
The right strategic plan gives you a competitive advantage and aligns your team to execute confidently, with little friction and chaos. Getting it right is critical.
And, as you grow and more issues and perspectives are brought to the table, strategic planning often becomes harder and more complex.
Perspective Helps
We work with Leadership Teams to get back to the 30,000’ perspective to see what is and isn’t adding to their competitive advantage. We work to craft a focused, long-term strategic plan that increases your chance of winning and growing your profits, with a competitive advantage and an aligned team focused on rigorous execution.

"Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.”Jim Collins
Simple Strategies Relentlessly Executed
We also help organizations to translate their long-term strategy into annual and quarterly goals for teams to be aligned and accountable to what matters most.Then, it’s a matter of reviewing your progress for accountability and learning every 90 days. Then, reset the priorities and re-align the team every quarter – to continually build momentum and get stronger as you progress towards your long-term goals.Execute, reflect, learn and realign.

Experience Helps
3000+ Strategic Planning Sessions in 18 Countries
In addition to working with many scaling organizations around the world, we continually research and test the most impactful tools and strategies for entrepreneurial, high-growth companies, and are grounded in the enduring principles of:
- BE 2.0, Good to Great, Built to Last, Great by Choice & Turning the Flywheel (Jim Collins)
- The One-Page Strategic Plan from Rockefeller Habits & Scaling Up 2.0 (Verne Harnish) of which our founder Kevin Lawrence was a key driver
- Blue Ocean Strategy (Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne)
- The 8-Step Process for Leading Change (John Kotter)
- Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink (Jonathan LS Byrnes)
- And many other researchers and thought leaders

The Lawrence & Co Growth Playbook
All our testing, researching and experience, over decades, has led to the creation of The Growth Playbook and the 7 Drivers of Sustainable Growth.
Using this framework, we evaluate your company’s health and precisely assess each driver through the lenses of strategy, people and capital.
The results become the foundation for the development of a powerful strategic plan, for the next three to five years – and identifies the highest ROI projects and execution disciplines you need to master and complete to build momentum, quarter on quarter.
Our expert advisors are here to facilitate the integration of the tools and systems you need to enable your sustainable growth.

Download the First Chapter of our New Book.
A no-nonsense approach for high achievers
to survive and thrive in business, and in life.