Get to Know Kristin Hazzard
Here is a great conversation I recently had with Lawrence & Co. team member Kristin Hazzard,…
Podcast Ep 157 | Jim Collins 6 characteristics of right people in the right seats
We’ve all heard of the phrase ‘get the right people in the right seats on the bus’. It talks about…
Podcast Ep 155 | The 9 books every CEO must read
Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. - Harry S. Truman. As leaders, we are…
Podcast Ep 154 | The 7 mistakes leaders make at annual strategy meetings
Annual strategy meetings are a necessary part of every organisation. And they can be very…
Podcast Ep 153 | Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers - how the best leaders make everyone smarter
Liz Wiseman is an ex oracle executive who wrote an amazing book about how we all have moments as…
Micro-Management and the Five Levers of Accountability
Management is a fascinating thing and is generally defined within two extreme styles: The macro…