Knowledge is Power. Does Your Learning Match Your Aspirations?

Years ago, after hearing Mark Cuban speak at a conference, a small group of us joined him, courtside, before his Dallas Mavericks basketball team played.

As we talked about learning, he told us about his habit to read four to five hours a day – which he continues, today, to keep up with local and national news, and especially with AI, quantum and nano technology. He had figured out, when his company was small, that the only way to compete with big companies was to be smarter.


“Particularly in the tech industry, the only constant is change…

you’ve got to stay up, because otherwise, there is some 12- or 18-year-old kid

that is coming in with a better idea to kick your a–.”

– Mark Cuban


Knowledge is Power

My team and I recently had a conversation about how to bring a culture of continuous learning to a company. We have found that, when we first start working with one, people are serious about learning, but don’t sustain it, over time. And that’s a problem if people and companies want to improve and grow.

At Lawrence & Co, learning is part of our culture, as we – individually and collectively – continually look for new and better ways to help our clients. And it’s the norm for most of the companies we work with.

Get One Percent Better

Over almost 30 years, I’ve noticed that the best, most effective CEOs and leaders constantly learn, improve and apply their knowledge of this game of business.

They use James Clears’ One Percent Rule (from his book Atomic Habits) that small daily gains accumulate over time to take you closer to achieving your goals.

This applies if you want to master business, brain surgery, engineering, or be a top triathlete. It takes continual study and practice to match the continual change and innovation in the world.

These days, learning can take many forms including reading or listening to books and podcasts, taking courses and attending conferences.


“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

– John F. Kennedy, 35th US President


While there are many variables in achieving success, you can easily spot the difference in leaders, particularly in mid or later stages of their careers, who are keen to continually learn, grow and thrive and those who fall behind.

The leaders who succeed have the humility to recognize that they must continue to learn so that they can meet their aspirations for the long-term growth of their organization.

And I think that’s the best part of being a leader: to continually increase our ability to create, manage and grow a great company, in challenging situations, and to make a positive impact.

The Challenge

    • Does your learning and growth match your great aspirations?
    • What about your team?

More on this topic next week.

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Lawrence & Co’s work focuses on sustainable and enhanced growth for you and your business. Our diverse and experienced group of advisors can help your leaders and executive teams stay competitive through the use of various learning tools including workshops, webinars, executive retreats, or one-to-one coaching.

We help high-achieving leaders to have it all – a great business and a rewarding life. Contact us for simple and impactful advice. No BS. No fluff.