
360 Feedback in the Florida Keys

360 | Circle n. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, upbringing, etc. A domain or area…

performance reviews

Banish Standard Performance Reviews

Harvard Business Review published a fantastic piece called, Reinventing Performance Reviews, that I…


Building an Executive Team that Kicks Ass

In 20 years of coaching, this is one of my favourite techniques for creating a spectacularly-strong…

big egos

Love the Big Egos

“To me, teamwork is the beauty of our sport, where you have five acting as one you become…

Is Your Team Leading vs Managing?

“A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees…


Crafting a Life of Productivity Fuels Peak Performance

I pulled on my helmet and gloves and gripped the wheel. Only two months before, I had left the…