Podcast Ep 164 | Using the sandbox to stop dumb decisions in the leadership team

Without effective discipline around decision making we can end up making decisions we later might…

Podcast Ep 161 | Rating your firm on Jim Collins' 7 Good to Great principles (2/2)

Jim Collins book Good to Great is one of the all-time business classics due to the size and…

Podcast Ep 160 | Rating your firm on Jim Collins' 7 Good to Great principles (1/2)

Jim Collins book Good to Great is one of the all-time business classics due to the size and…

Podcast Ep 157 | Jim Collins 6 characteristics of right people in the right seats

We’ve all heard of the phrase ‘get the right people in the right seats on the bus’. It talks about…

Podcast Ep 154 | The 7 mistakes leaders make at annual strategy meetings

Annual strategy meetings are a necessary part of every organisation. And they can be very…

Jim Collins’ Good to Great® Team Workshop, Chicago, October 17, 2023

We are thrilled to be partnering with The Growth Faculty to bring this once in a career event to…