What One Thing Do Want to Accomplish Before the End of 2023?

At the turn of the season, I was thinking about the distinction between summer brain and September brain and when we get back into the game.

In my case, summer brain means being present and enjoying activities and quality time with family and friends. September brain means being more effective, strategic, and forward-looking and -thinking.

The one thing

One of the most important things we do, as leaders, is prioritizing and figuring out how to focus ourselves, our teams and our resources on the very few things that matter most to our organizations.

With that in mind and considering all the important things you may be working on or thinking about at Work (career, money, investments), for your Self (being happy, strong and healthy) and in your Life (family, friends, community):

What is the #1 thing that you would like to accomplish between now and the end of the year that would be the biggest catalyst or have the greatest impact?

The Challenge

    • What can you do to put this one thing the top of your priority list?
    • Who is the greatest resource to make sure this gets accomplished?

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