Unveiling Uncomfortable Truths: A Guide to Facing the Brutal Facts

Let's chat about the not-so-pleasant issues that people tend to avoid—what Jim Collins calls the…

Get to Know Kurtis Osborne

https://lawrenceandco.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Untitled-design-51.mp4 In an interview with…

Podcast Ep 166 | Necessary Endings

"Necessary Endings" is a self-help book written by Dr. Henry Cloud. It explores the concept of…

Podcast Ep 165 | The top 5 reasons people regret selling their business

There is an entire industry and philosophy surrounding why you should sell your business, but it…

Podcast Ep 163 | Executive burnout: Building your resilience (Part 2 of 2)

Executives are often more driven than the average person. We run hard all the time, and it usually…

A Tribute to Lark Group Founder Larry Fisher

I just had the great honour to be asked to speak at the celebration of life of someone I was very…