The Quarterly Strategic Planning Meeting

We’re already almost a quarter of the way through 2022 and I hope everything is going well for……

The Weekly Leadership Team Meeting

The Weekly Team Meeting can be the most hated, boring event. These fall-asleep,…

monthly leadership meeting

The Monthly Leadership Meeting

In many companies, there’s often a gap between their highly functioning quarterly planning and the…

types of a-players

Types of A-Players

Did you know there are four different types of A-Players? It's an important insight to understand…


Hidden Costs of Not Having a Team of A-Players

One of the teams I work with was approached about a potential, second-to-none acquisition that came…

bhag mistakes top avoid

6 BHAG Mistakes to Avoid

Let’s talk about BHAGs – those Big Hairy Audacious Goals (a concept described in Built to Last by…