Identifying the Real MVPs

When you watch top-level sports, it's crystal clear who are the real MVPs. These extraordinary…

Dealing with Toxic A-Players

We all have our ups and downs, good days and bad. Sometimes, due to lack of sleep, worries or…

CoachAGories: The Art of Using Questions to Build Connected Teams

There are many different beliefs and strategies to build healthy, high performing teams. Everyone…

Get to Know Kurtis Osborne In an interview with…

Podcast Ep 163 | Executive burnout: Building your resilience (Part 2 of 2)

Executives are often more driven than the average person. We run hard all the time, and it usually…

Podcast Ep 162 | Executive Burnout: How do you know when you need to get some help? (part 1 of 2)

Executives are often more driven than the average person. We run hard all the time, and it usually…