The Shift from Chief Problem Solver to Strategic CEO
Leading brilliant executives masterfully is a refined skill. Some people come by it quite…
Use the Principle of Two Circles to Make Better Choices
I just had a conversation, with a CEO I coach, who was frustrated because he was thrilled about the…
Should You Become More Hedgehoggy?
Jim Collins’ Hedgehog concept was inspired by philosopher Isaiah Berlin’s essay called “The…
Simplifying Complex Decisions: What First, Then How
When it comes to being decisive, mastery of making the complex simple comes in handy. Essential…
Getting Bigger & Better with True Growth: More Xs & Profit/X
As I've been writing my new book 4 Forces of Growth, I’ve worked hard - in discussions with…
The 4 Enemies of Growth
When it comes to growing companies, we see four main challenges that crop up again and again. Over…