Use the Principle of Two Circles to Make Better Choices

I just had a conversation, with a CEO I coach, who was frustrated because he was thrilled about the…

Should You Become More Hedgehoggy?

Jim Collins’ Hedgehog concept was inspired by philosopher Isaiah Berlin’s essay called “The…

Simplifying Complex Decisions: What First, Then How

When it comes to being decisive, mastery of making the complex simple comes in handy. Essential…

Getting Bigger & Better with True Growth: More Xs & Profit/X

As I've been writing my new book 4 Forces of Growth, I’ve worked hard - in discussions with…

The 4 Enemies of Growth

When it comes to growing companies, we see four main challenges that crop up again and again. Over…

Send in the Canaries

In the early 1900s, coal miners in the UK found that, if they took live canaries down into the…