Winning in a Challenging, More Competitive Economy

Greg and I have seen companies, like one of our clients, in some really struggling segments of the economy that are achieving incredible performance.

Those companies are successful, now, because of the groundwork they laid, a few years ago. They became very focused and very aligned on the few things that matter most. They created a very clear strategy for growth, and they built an amazing, high-performing team.

“Culture and your business team matters more today than it ever has.”

                          • Greg Crabtree

Warriors in Battle

That work prepared them well for the economy battle we’re now in.

While they’ve had to make some tough choices, when things got rough, they are now well prepared and ready for anything.

Without an aligned culture, the battles they face could otherwise turn internal as people fight each other, competing for positions and opinions, and as they try to figure out what to do.

But, with a solid foundation, 95% of the energy goes to winning in their market, as an aligned force.

That’s when they can’t help but win.

And the complete interview.

The Challenge

    • How aligned and focused is your team and what might you do to fix or enhance that?

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