decision making

Up to Speed with Decision Making

"An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgements simpler through knowing…

shared experiences

Shared Experiences are a Catalyst for Connection

As I come off an amazing summer and reflect on the highlights that were most memorable and…

september reset

Maximizing the September Reset

I'm reading a fascinating book by Anthony Bourdain (actually, listening to the audiobook –…

Business Strategies for an Economic Downturn

Seven Business Strategies for an Economic Downturn

It’s almost impossible to predict what’s going to happen in the future – at work or in life. And it…

Meeting Mastery

Meeting Mastery for CEOs

What is a CEO's #1 tool? Meetings, meetings, meetings. Whatever vision people have for what a CEO…

strategic thinking

Preserve Your Strategic Thinking Time

I love hearing the use of the word “strategic” in meetings and conversations, which often…