Bourdain & Spade - Two Tragedies in One Week

Wow, last week was a rough week.  I was in Dubai when I heard the shocking news - twice. It is…

Get Your Team Making Decisions on Their Own

How skilled are you at helping people become strong, independent leaders? Are you bombarded by…

business advisors

Leverage Business Advisors to Quadruple Your IQ

How effective are you at gaining insights & opinions from true experts in business and in life…

team building

Team Building: Developing an "A" Team That Delivers Better Results Than You, Without You

How good are you at team building - developing a team so strong there’s not much you need to do?…

constructive feedback

Getting Tough Constructive Feedback

How do you rate at getting honest opinions about your performance as a leader? Learn how to get the…

outcomes vs outputs

Outcomes vs Outputs: Are You Getting Results or Just Executing Your Plans?

“Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring.” - Johan Cruyff, Dutch…