Ground Future Celebrations in Today’s Plan

As you take stock of this year’s accomplishments and think about your plan for the next year,…

A Time to Remember Successes of the Head and the Heart

Hopefully, over the holidays, you’ll have quality time with people you care about – even with…

Seven Years On, Reflections on Your Oxygen Mask First: Manage Your Mental Health

“It’s not the heavy load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.” Lena…

Seven Years On, Reflections on Your Oxygen Mask First: Invest in Your Sweet Spots

“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.”…

Seven Years On, Reflections on Your Oxygen Mask First: Double Your Resilience

“A good half of the art of living is resilience.” Alain de Botton, author……

Seven Years On, Reflections on Your Oxygen Mask First: Plan, Plan and Plan Again

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson, prize…