Get to Know Kristin Hazzard
Here is a great conversation I recently had with Lawrence & Co. team member Kristin Hazzard,…
3 Years of The Growth Whisperers Podcast
It's hard to believe that it's already been three years since we started The Growth Whisperers…
The Cost of Doing Nothing
When we’re faced with a decision to make, we usually spend time analyzing the pros and cons.…
Leadership Development: Integration vs Intervention?
Many people approach leadership development like getting into shape before a beach vacation.…
Is More Workplace Flexibility a Fad or a Trend?
When I travel, I take, on average, three or four Uber trips a day. And I love to strike up a…
How High is Your Energy Going into the Second Quarter?
When in Chicago, in early February, I was struck by the high entertainment value of the whole…