Many leaders I speak to are in a mad rush to get things wrapped up before the holidays and the end of 2023. Many say they are tired and know they need to double down to finish the year strongly.
And the holidays – sometimes crazy with family obligations, errands, and socializing with friends – aren’t necessarily the downtime you need to charge you up for the new year.
More than ever, now is the time to not only make sure you do your resilience rituals (chapter 3 of Your Oxygen Mask First) – a key driver to make sure we stay strong, resilient and thrive – you also need a recovery plan.
Plan Ahead and Protect Your Downtime
I love my work, family and friends and am highly social. So, it’s easy to say ‘yes’ to activities and invitations from people I love to spend time with. But, at some point, too much of a good thing can mean zero downtime.
For many years, when I pushed myself too hard and did a lot of international travel, I was regularly forced into recovery rituals because I’d get sick coming into or during the holidays.
So, I’ve learned to regularly follow my resilience rituals and to proactively plan for full recovery time to allow my whole system to turn off, relax and enjoy what’s happening.
- Just before the holidays, I spend a few days of quality time with my children to soak up the sun somewhere. Then, I arrange to spend time with friends out of the country.
- And I set aside unstructured, unscheduled time during the holidays and give myself permission to completely relax and make room for things like binge-watching a Netflix show, if I feel like it.
Whatever your style and circumstance, it’s important to be proactive and take every opportunity to pre-plan and protect recovery time that works for you.
The Challenge
- What things have you done, historically, to help you to maximize time off to recover and recharge?
- If you don’t you know, what could those rituals be for your body, mind and spirit this year?
Additional Blogs
- Double Your Personal Resilience
- Teach Your Children Mental Resilience
- Are You Getting Seven Kinds of Rest?
Old Podcasts
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