Seven Years On, Reflections on Your Oxygen Mask First: Stop Being Chief Problem Solver

“Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.

Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

                      • Chinese proverb

As I reflect back on Stop Being Chief Problem Solver (chapter 12 of Your Oxygen Mask First) this is an area where many other people – myself included – get stuck.

I get that it’s hard to watch someone struggle – and so much faster and easier to answer a question and move on.

But if you take the time to coach people through their problems, you’ll have far more freedom in the long run, and a much shrewder team.

Otherwise, leaders get buried in low-value problems and don’t dedicate enough energy to the future of the company.

Enable Success

Instead of being Chief Problem Solver, it’s far more effective to clearly articulate your goals and expectations and then teach and guide people to think for themselves and present you with recommendations. You’ll boost their confidence, expand their abilities and force them to be stronger leaders.

Only then can you have the time, breathing space and energy to focus on things that matter to you.

Of course, you’ve got to have enough of the right people on the team. People who are the right fit for the role and capable enough to master their areas of responsibility, and supported by the right mentorship, learning and development.

Watch the video: Stop Being Chief Problem Solver

Good Intentions

It’s interesting that even people who are very good at not being a Chief Problem Solver can get tripped up sometimes.

In my case, when I’m in the mode of purely leading or facilitating, I find it much easier (although I’m not perfect at it) to ask a lot of questions and get people to make recommendations.

But, on topics I’ve studied in great detail, or have written or talked about, I can switch modes to become Chief Problem Solver, in a matter of seconds,

While underneath the surface are good intentions and a desire to help, in senior leadership roles, it’s usually a bad idea to activate your inner teacher where it’s not welcomed, appreciated or helpful.

The Challenge

    • If your team isn’t coming to you most of the time with recommendations, you might want to go through the exercises in the chapter.

Your Oxygen Mask First Resources

  • Page 166 – Four Steps to Mastery

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