The Push to Make a Difference

The Seeds of Push

Every story has its start and for Tina, Tommy, and Danny—like many entrepreneurs— it was a shaky one. The Co-founders were freshly out of school, when they decided to dodge the nine-to-five and do something different—only, it took a few kicks at the can.

At the start of their journey, they had a hypothesis that there was an opportunity in payroll for restaurants. Push knocked on the door of various restaurants, sometimes even under the guise of students completing a thesis to understand what the real opportunity was. And they were met with overwhelming kindness and openness. What they could see plainly was that restaurants were putting time into processes that took away from their strengths and passions.

Their thesis proved accurate. They’ve built a terrific company serving thousands of people and in the last 3 years alone, they have 5Xed their MRR (monthly recurring revenue). Suffice it to say, they’ve never looked back. 

Reaching Out to a Coach

With growth comes responsibility and Push wanted to keep the train on the tracks. The company had made a splash but the next push was to establish leadership, culture, priorities, and goals. Having outgrown the start-up phase, Push was ready to put in place a system for managing the culture. They were doing well, but they knew they could be better. 

And that’s where Dean Ritchey, Strategic Advisor at Lawrence & Co. came in. Push was clear from the start. They wanted to find alignment and with Dean’s help, the team transitioned to a set of seamless processes. They integrated key Jim Collins principles and a great one-page plan. Suddenly, they had predictability and they could proactively solve problems.

The Results

In the course of their transformation, Push established new routines amongst the leadership team which resulted in more satisfaction day-to-day and bottom-line growth. They built out a fun culture that focused on monitoring and contributing to the well-being of each person in their organization. And impressively, these tweaks led to a 5X of their MRR over three years. 

To learn more about how Tina, Danny, and Tommy made the Push for lasting change in their organization, read the full case study here.

You can watch the full interview here:

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