How to Handle a Honey Badger

In the middle of one of my CEO coaching calls about what it takes to win in business, I burst into laughter when he shared a story about how, early in his career, he was referred to as a ‘honey badger’ because of his intense drive to succeed and do great work.

I laughed because one of the key leaders in another company I work with also has the internal nickname of honey badger. These people, in two different parts of the world, are both very successful, high-performing executives who run thriving companies.

Honey badgers, in the wild, are intelligent and strong, thick skinned and resourceful, daring and ferocious. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, they are the world’s most fearless creatures.

Now, I’ve been called a lot of things to my face – almost every name in the book, I’m sure! – but honey badger, isn’t one of them (that I know of!)

But I do resonate with their traits and have done a lot of work to tame and polish them. So, while my drive for great results and accomplishment is still there, I’ve found a better approach, and now leave fewer bite marks.

The Key to Success

Some of the most impactful CEOs and executives I’ve worked with have some honey badger tendencies. But their fearless drive to get great results and to build something great, can get them into trouble.

Unless they have opportunities to harness and channel their natural skills, abilities and drives, and be connected to something meaningful, they will struggle to effectively collaborate with, and lead, others.

The most successful honey badgers learn to channel their aggressive drive for greatness, to develop and hone their leadership skills and to grow their EQ (emotional intelligence).

If you notice up-and-coming honey badgers, keep your eye on them. Make sure they get the coaching and mentoring and development they need to be successful.

While most people want to run from them, I’ll take a handful of honey badgers any day – as long as they are willing to learn and grow.

The Challenge

    • Who are the honey badgers, in your organization, who may need some additional mentorship, guidance or coaching to be effective?

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