employer brand

Build an Amazing People-Magnet Machine: Establish Your Brand as an Employer

The dream of many successful leaders and entrepreneurs is to have a strategy and flywheel so…

mental and emotional health

Is Mental and Emotional Health a Priority in Your Boardroom?

Until recently, mental and emotional health was just not something high performers talked about –…

building a strong culture

Building a Strong, Engaging and Resilient Culture to Win in 2021

I’ve shared before how, in the early days of my career, I thought culture was warm, fuzzy HR fluff…


Study Greatness

Boxing legend Mike Tyson often comes across as someone who has had too many blows to the head. But…

2021 plan

Time to Reflect on 2020 and Work on Your 2021 Plan

Wow! Wasn’t that a year? It felt like a couple of years jammed into one – and was certainly one of…

Tony Hsieh

The Loss of a Legendary Leader: Tony Hsieh

Over the weekend, I read an article that made me feel sad: the story of a wildly successful CEO…