Charging Your Batteries

Every executive we work with knows about the importance of resilience rituals to keep their batteries charged. And yet, when things get rough, many of them make everything else a priority and fail to plug themselves in. And then they wonder why they run out of power on the side of a busy highway.

I get it. When life is busy and challenging, our resilience rituals can be hard to sustain.

But that’s when we need them the most.

We don’t expect a thoroughbred racehorse to perform at its peak without proper care, so why expect this of ourselves?

That’s why I dedicated a chapter to the importance of resilience in Your Oxygen Mask First. And why, when I talk to CEOs going through stressful times, I try to understand where they are on the Mental Health Continuum and if they need professional support.

A Long-Term Commitment to Health

Everyone slips a little to care of themselves when they go through demanding periods and that’s OK. But when those periods last for months, not days, and batteries aren’t recharged, then physical and mental health – and performance – is compromised.

Resilience rituals must be a consistent, long-term commitment, not just something you do when you have time or energy.

So don’t fall into the trap of ignoring them. If you can’t work out for an hour, try 30 minutes. If you can’t get out in nature, go for a 10-minute walk. Or make sure you catch up on the weekend. Make looking after yourself, every day, a priority.

The Challenge

    • If your resilience is less than 8 or 9 out of 10, what do you need to do, today, to enhance it?

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