Free Webinar: Visualizing Data to Predict Business Surprises
June 22, 2018Workshops & Events
Thursday, June 28th, 8:30 to 9:30 am, Pacific time
We’ve encountered several unexpected emergencies over the years:
- A retailer who sold 10,000 products before learning they were losing $17 each time.
- A dealer who didn’t have enough cash to pay the sales and marketing costs despite double-digit sales growth.
- A manufacturer that realized their committed production was 5x their actual capacity.
The information available to us is endless, yet over and over we miss the signs that we are in trouble – realizing too late that immediate action needs to be taken. It is not enough to look at spreadsheets and financials – we need to find patterns, analyze trends, and quickly locate areas of weakness.
In an effort to help, my colleague Kurtis Osborne and I are presenting a webinar:
Predictable Surprises: Visualizing your existing data as an early warning system.
We will present practical tools and habits for clarifying, interpreting and sharing your data. Our goal is to make the surprises predictable – to recognize these common traps before they become costly emergencies.
Financial leaders know the value of analysis and insight, but are often too busy with their day job and constrained buy the existing systems and thinking of the company.
There is a better way - and it’s simple.
Please use the link below to register:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Everyone is welcome, and I hope you’ll join us.
Can’t make the live event? Register and we’ll send you a link to the webinar recording to watch at your convenience.
Free Topgrading Webinar
Monday, June 25th, 1:00 To 2:00 PM, Pacific Time
How to Hire "A" Players and avoid costly mis-hires
When you are focused on growing your business or achieving your team’s goals, it is frustrating to realize you have made a poor hiring decision.
With the average cost of a ‘mis-hire’ ranging between 8 to 20 times the employee’s yearly base salary, and 280 hours wasted, it’s critical to improve your hiring success!
Please join us for a 60-minute live webinar about the principles of Topgrading and how you can apply them to immediately improve your ability to make outstanding decisions with regards to who gets on the bus.
During the webinar, you’ll learn and understand the Top 7 ways in which to increase your hiring success by at least 50% over night.
We’ll cover:
- The Top 7 recommendations to increase your hiring success, including a view of simple tools and the Topgrading approach to interviewing.
- How to move from the average 25% to 50% and eventually 90% hiring success rates
- How to recognize an A Player when interviewing candidates
- How to recognize B/C Players
Please use the link below to register:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Topgrading webinar.
Everyone is welcome, and I hope you’ll join us.
Can’t make the live event? Register and we’ll send you a link to the webinar recording to watch at your convenience.
Webinar: Your Oxygen Mask First
June 6, 2018Workshops & Events
Monday, June 18, 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Pacific Time
Over the past six months I’ve spent a lot of time building all the resources in my new book Your Oxygen Mask First, 17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive and Thrive in Leadership and Life - and am now ready to share them with you.
Please join me for a 60-minute live webinar about the principles in the book and how you can apply them to improve your performance - and to be a great resource to people around you.
During the webinar, you’ll learn and understand the 17 habits that I’ve found most high-performing leaders need to avoid 90% of the pain they face – and the tools to leverage these habits so that you can continue to sustain your growth and really enjoy the ride. We’ll cover:
- The dichotomy of success & why you need to discard the concept of work-life balance
- Gain valuable insight to help understand, support and manage high-performing employees.
- Learn practical tools to double your resilience as you take on bigger challenges.
- Understand the Mental Health Continuum Model and how to release the pressure valve on stress.
Register Today:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Everyone is welcome, and I hope you’ll join us.
Can't make the live event? Register and we'll send you a link to the webinar recording to watch at your convenience.
PS I highly recommend that you do this free Resilience Self-Assessment before the session and bring the results with you. See you there!
Your Oxygen Mask First Audiobook Now Available
February 23, 2018Announcements
I wanted you to know that Your Oxygen Mask First is now available as an audiobook on: | | | iTunes
Years ago, I heard that highest performing leaders read, on average, at least two books a month, I was definitely not at that pace.
With my busy schedule - and that fact I don’t read for pleasure (it’s work activity to help me perform better) – reading 24 books a year would be next to impossible. But, thanks to the magic of audiobooks, and iTunes, I can turn my iPhone into my rolling University. They are my simple solution to read at least two books every month.
Anytime that I travel or do a mundane activity, I’ll most likely be listening to an audiobook. It works well to continually learn about things that are most important to me – and I highly recommend it.
A little tip: I listen to my books at 1.5 speed – and it makes them more engaging and interesting. I have to really listen to stay focused. At the regular speed, they can sometimes be a bit boring.
So, if you have a fair amount of time on your hands driving or flying, I highly recommend audiobooks as an easy and efficient way to make sure you are continuously learning.
Coming soon
By the way, we’ve developed a companion workbook for Your Oxygen Mask First that people can download to work through the exercises. Contact us for your copy – and watch for it soon on
Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop
January 23, 2018Workshops & Events
April 24, 2018, Terminal City Club, Vancouver (***Sold Out***)
Discover how to Scale Up your business with the Rockefeller Habits™ 2.0.
The world-renowned Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop has empowered more than 20,000 executives and their leadership teams with proven tools and strategies to scale up smarter:
ALIGN - Get faster results with less effort by developing organizational clarity and accountability.
ACCELERATE - Develop a strategic advantage over your competitors and position your brand as a market leader.
ADVANCE - See your company’s reputation and revenues soar as employees fulfill 100% of all promises.
All workshop participants will receive a FREE copy of Scaling Up
Our organization is thriving with daily huddles, meeting rhythms, war rooms, and strategic planning processes, fully integrated into the DNA of the company. The result — we are executing on our strategy, and with a recently completed $40 million financing, we are accelerating our growth through strategic acquisitions.
JASON SMITH, President & CEO, Real Matters
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is open to all those interested in amplifying their success and scaling up their businesses via a proven course trajectory. We welcome lifelong learners and those hungry for best practices and cutting-edge thought leadership. We welcome leaders who want to develop their team—and know they can’t do it alone – and are willing to invest in an outside resource for help. To maximize results and return on investment, we encourage leaders and senior teams to attend together.
Led by Gazelles International Certified Coaches™, this workshop introduces attendees to the power of the Four Decision framework. Please reach out to us if you have any questions regarding our process or are interested in exploring a coaching relationship.
Workshop Details
Date: Tuesday , April 24, 2018
Location: Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC
- Doors open at 8:00am
- Workshop from 8:30am to 5:00pm
- Continental breakfast and lunch provided
For questions or more details please contact Janice Watkins:
- T: 604-313-2999 ext 1
- E:
What you will learn:
In just one day, you will learn how to accelerate profitable business growth leveraging the Rockefeller Habits 2.0 best practices through engaging lectures, videos, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and coach demonstrations. We will focus on the four critical decisions that all businesses face:
Attract and keep the right PEOPLE
- Become a magnet for A Players
- Align your team around core values
- Increase accountability and results
Create a truly differentiated STRATEGY
- Clarify your brand promise
- Discover your SWOTs and trends
- Determine your 3-5 year key strategies
Drive flawless EXECUTION
- Learn and apply the Rockefeller Habits 2.0
- Create a culture of accountability
- Fine-tune processes to run without drama
Have plenty of CASH
- Accelerate cash flow to fuel your evolution
- Improve your sales cycle
- Ensure you are never short on cash
Kevin is a high octane business coach that saves you time and energy by getting right to the heart of the matter, holding no punches and adding enough humour to ease the pain of the inevitable truth he gets me to face and conquer. He is an expert at the Rockefeller Habits, the best CEO textbook I’ve encountered in decades of looking. His one day workshop is an incredible value proposition. An absolute must for CEO’s and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business as healthily as aggressively.
JEAN-PIERRE LEBLANC, Saje Natural Wellness, Vancouver, BC
Course Materials:
- Detailed workbook with information and examples of the concepts presented
- Book: Scaling Up, written by Verne Harnish
- Four Decisions™ One Page Strategic Plan™ and other actionable tools to help grow your business
Your Oxygen Mask First Book Launch
I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new book Your Oxygen Mask First, which I wrote to help high-achieving CEOs and leaders to have it all – a great business and a rewarding life.
There’s the hard truth about being a leader in a high growth company:
- You thrive in the chaos and challenges, and find ways to grow stronger (and more capable) - and you and your business keep growing and growing, or
- The challenges slowly wear you down, and the growth stops. You either believe you have hit the limit of your capability - or just decide to give up or stop the insanity.
There is usually no in-between.
It does not have to be this way.
I have found the keys to how leaders can thrive and keep growing - no matter what - and want to share them.
This book is the result of over two decades of work, as a coach to CEOs and executive teams around the world – a practical, no-nonsense approach that describes the 17 habits every leader needs to transcend the perils of success and keep achieving - habits that have already helped hundreds of CEOs and executives to become stronger and more resilient.
Keep your eye out for future information and teachings from the book.
The book is available worldwide on Amazon. Please see the links below if you would like to purchase a copy - or contact us for bulk purchases (100+):
And, if you’d like to have me speak at your company event, on this topic, please contact Janice at:
Email: janice [at]
Phone: 604-313-2229
Here’s what people are saying about it…
“Your Oxygen Mask First is a stark reminder that you can’t take care of business until you first take care of yourself. Lawrence’s playbook offers a rich set of practices to help you achieve success with no regrets.”
—Liz Wiseman, bestselling author of Multipliers and Rookie Smarts
“Kevin has locked arms with my growth firm, Medix, for more than seven years and has consistently challenged our personal and professional leadership limits! His actionable tools turned out to be truly invaluable resources to our organization and helped allow us to scale as leaders. I encourage you to read and use this book as a resource for your professional and personal growth!”
—Andrew Limouris, President and CEO, Medix
“If you’re looking for practical wisdom from a battle-tested field general of business coaching—look no further. This step-by-step guide enables CEOs to tap into their hidden wells of greatness—redefining success as much more than a healthy balance sheet.”
—Verne Harnish, Founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and author of Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)
“This isn’t the normal business blather. If you are serious about growing yourself as well as growing your business, Kevin’s book is invaluable. These tools are the best collection I’ve seen. They are practical and exceptionally helpful for any high achiever looking to grow and improve. If you just take one of these tools and practice it regularly, I have no doubt you’ll improve your life and your business.”
—Ben Godsey, President and CEO, ProService Hawaii
“Your Oxygen Mask First flies in the face of what we’ve been taught about achieving success. Kevin shines light on the fallacy that being successful at work is the be-all and end-all, while giving his readers the strength, clarity, and confidence to make rapid and insightful changes.”
—Ankur Gupta, Joint Managing Director, Ashiana Housing Ltd.
“If you’re looking for practical wisdom on how the middle path between the selfless leader and the genius iconoclast can lead to greatness, pick up this book.”
—Kaihan Krippendorff, author of Outthink the Competition
“One of the biggest challenges for a highly successful leader in a growth company is motivating yourself on a regular basis. Kevin hit it out of the park with ideas and tools to help motivate me for a lifetime!”
—Brent Parent, CEO, Material Handling Services
“Kevin has been coaching CEOs and their teams for close to 20 years— he’s one of the best in the biz—and his content in Your Oxygen Mask First is a must-read for any leader today.”
—Cameron Herold, Founder of COO Alliance and author of Double Double, Meetings Suck and The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs
“I have been working with Kevin since 2003. Kevin has helped me move through the asteroid belt of my life. He stopped me from selling my company for $1.00 to go to sell T-shirts on the beach and encouraged me to keep my business, setting it up the way I wanted, allowing me to grow it and leverage it to do good in the world. I now have the freedom that all entrepreneurs dream of, and I am able to spend quality time with my family and work only on things I enjoy, and that bring great meaning to my life. I owe everything to Kevin.”
—Nigel Bennett, Founder of Aqua-Guard and author of Take that Leap – An Entrepreneur’s Ride Through the Universe
“Having known, observed and worked with Kevin for over a decade, he has masterfully developed 17 habits for successful leaders to find their 5th gear of performance, satisfaction and impact...practical principles and tools to grow in areas often unaddressed, even by the most effective leaders.”
—Keith Cupp, CEO Gazelles International Coaching Association
“There are books that are a philosophy and then books that are a roadmap. This is a book that combines the two and gives CEOs a practical step-by-step action plan to being world class performers.”
—Peter Boolkah, The Transition Guy
“I have fun (not all of the time) working with Kevin Lawrence to achieve outrageous success, that being defined differently for everyone. If it were not for this straightforward, direct, driven and passionate guy pushing and prodding and cutting through the B.S., my Partners and I would not be where we are today. Not perfect, but 90% of where we want to be. I am not surprised at the title or content of Kevin’s cuts through the crap of daily business decisions and offers no-nonsense, direct advice. Oxygen is what you need in business, so you’d better be prepared to don the oxygen mask periodically to achieve outrageous success (and to get you through Kevin’s direct and boisterous book).”
—Casey Langbroek, Partner, Langbroek, Louwerse & Thiessen
“Your Oxygen Mask First challenged me to look in the mirror and consider what it takes to be authentically successful. It provided not only a clear why, but also the how in highly practical steps. The seventeen habits provide a life-changing framework that has ever-increasing circles of influence as they are implemented.”
—Hazel Jackson, CEO, Biz Group
“Your Oxygen Mask First completely crushes core beliefs about success. Through his compelling and provoking approach, Kevin Lawrence proves that you can have astounding success in all areas of your life— but first you have to do the unthinkable. As a leader, you have to put yourself first—a revolutionary concept that confronts beliefs, experiences, and often egos! But it’s a concept that powerfully changes lives. Kevin not only shows how to master this approach in easy, practical steps, but he also provides the confidence to make immediate changes to turbo-boost your life. It’s a must-read for anyone wanting to bring their head and heart together and to truly have it all.”
—Sue Hollis, Co-founder The TravelEdge Group Australia
“This book is different: no fluff, but instead practical advice and provocative questions from a seasoned pro. Every chapter delivers insights that help me to reflect on what’s important in my life—and then to focus directly on the goals to get me there. This is a great book!”
—Dave Minhas, Managing Partner, Pivotal LLP
“This book is a must-read for each and every person committed to leading, living, and working an exceptional life. I highly recommend reading this book, but more importantly, following Kevin’s process to create, and sustain, success beyond business itself.”
—Dave Baney, Author of The 3x5 Coach
“Coach Kevin regularly works with the CEOs and senior leaders of some of the fastest-growing midmarket companies in the world. In this book, he shares insights on how he has helped high-growth leaders who confront and overcome many of the personal and professional challenges of real-world leadership. His exercises are simple, powerful, and impactful. Read this book, and you will learn better ways to lead, and better ways to live life.”
—Doug Diamond, Business Improvement LLC
“This is probably the most honest and practical business book that I’ve read! Lawrence unashamedly confronts the brutal facts surrounding the real-life “success trap” many entrepreneurs and themselves in. is book contains no BS and is packed with simple explanations and actionable tools to enable you to live your life fully while running your company successfully.”
—Hayley Erner, Advisor and Confidant to CEOs
“This is the best book I have read for entrepreneurial CEOs. And it’s one they will actually read: short and to the point. Lawrence clearly knows the traps of owning a business and how to get out of them. This is a must-read for anyone with a growing business.”
—Nan O’Connor, Master Certified Coach
“I was fortunate that my path crossed with Coach Kevin’s more than thirteen years ago. I was in a dark place in my life despite the fact that everything appeared to be all right on the surface. My business was doing very well, but my success was not bringing me as much joy and satisfaction, if any, as I thought it would. Kevin helped me discover that I needed to take care of myself first, follow my passions, and get rid of my demons by facing them head on. It hasn’t happened overnight, and it is an ongoing process, but it’s one that I embrace.
I am able to use Kevin’s feedback, tools, and techniques as a compass to make the best possible decisions to stay on course in my business and in my life. I approach this journey with gratitude, excitement, passion, and a hunger for what’s to come. I no longer measure my wealth in dollars and cents. Instead, I now measure it by the amount of precious time I am able to spend with my loved ones, making memories that are absolutely priceless!”
—Vince D’Agostino, President, Mayfield Financial Services
“I have been fortunate enough to become one of those loved ones that Vince mentioned in the previous blurb. It has been an amazing experience to watch Vince on his journey to become the best person that he can be. Our relationship would not be what it is today had he not started on this journey thirteen years ago. Thank you, Kevin, for being such an inspiring and guiding force in our lives. I know this book will be a huge success because I see what your processes and techniques have done for us. It made not only Vince strive to be a better person, but also everyone around him!”
—Diana Nadinic
“We have been working directly with Kevin for almost four years with amazing results. Kevin’s business insights, experience, and disciplined approach have had a major impact on the performance of our company. Not only have we seen an increase in business results, but with his guidance we are continuously improving our systems and practices for long-term stability and growth.”
—Dave Kearns, General Manager & Paul Kearns President, Fossil Project Services Ltd.
“When I began the adventures of business, I didn’t realize it would consume as much of me as I allowed. Thankfully I read Your Oxygen Mask First, which has helped me to be more happy, more healthy, and a better husband and father. The amazing thing is that this discipline also makes me a more effective leader in my businesses.”
—Danny Chase, President, Chase Office Interiors